No, credit cards are not required by all agencies for car rental. Rental agencies prefer credit cards to protect their company from incidentals that may occur while the rental car is in possession of the renter. Because of the economy, nearly 1.6 million people have filed bankruptcy in the United States in 2010. This number is up 13.8% from 2009. For this reason, many people do not qualify for credit cards. This has forced many people to consider purchases on a cash only basis. Other renters prefer cash to protect their credit status. Consumers also opt for cash payments to preserve their credit for home or vehicle purchases.
There are options for cash only renters. Consumers must search online for rental agencies that accept cash or debit payments. Cash paying customers may have to meet other requirements as designated by the rental car company. Customers should inquire with each agency to determine the requirements before arriving at the rental counter. Preparation will avoid confusion and time wasted.
Some rental car companies may require a deposit for cash payments for the rental agency’s security. The deposit may range from $200 to $500 or more. Some rental agencies will perform a credit check at the time of rental. This will often determine the deposit amount and eligibility for rental. The deposit will be returned to the customer if the car is returned in the same condition as it was at the time of rental.
Others may require purchase of rental insurance at the time of vehicle rental. These precautions are taken so that rental agencies may protect their investment. In addition to a deposit, many rental companies often require additional identification or a utilities bill to verify the identity or stability of the customer. These protective measures ensure that the company will be covered in the event of an accident.
Consumers renting without a credit card should ensure that they have enough money to cover the deposit, if one is required. Also, for the consumer’s protection, ensure the rental is covered by insurance. If an accident occurs, this will protect the consumer’s liquid cash funds.
Insurance may be purchased at the time of rental or along with the rental reservation. Instead of taking your deposit or funds from your debit card, all damages will be covered by your personal insurance or rental insurance. Credit card customers usually have enough credit to handle incidentals and accidents. Debit cards or cash payments do not offer this same assurance. Ensure that you are protected.
Cash accepting car rental companies are abundant on the Web. Consumers should simply enter a search and numerous car rental agencies will appear. Most companies list their requirements on the website. Consumers are advised to call and verify the information.
Car Rental Express (CRX) takes some of the stress out of this task. Independent car rental agencies are compared and information is listed in summary format. When searching for a car rental company, this format will save consumers time.
Many of the discounts offered online are applicable to both cash rentals and credit card rentals. Customers may save regardless of the form of payment they use. Customers should perform a search for car rental coupons to find the best discounts for the desired rental company.
Some car rental agencies offer coupons for cash rentals and credit card rentals on directly their website. Consumers do not have to look for discounts elsewhere on the Web. Once the consumer selects the coupon that best meets their needs, consumers may print the coupons or use the code presented online.
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