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Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Find Great Rental Cars in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Cheap Car Rentals in Ljubljana

Compare agencies in Ljubljana by price, vehicle and Renter Ratings.

Avant Car

Years in business: N/A

0 ratings
Minimum Age N/A
Rents for cash N/A
Airport Service N/A
Local Area Pickup/Dropoff N/A

Address: Trdinova Ulica 9, Ljubljana,other, Slovenia

Vehicles: N/A


Years in business: N/A

0 ratings
Minimum Age N/A
Rents for cash N/A
Airport Service N/A
Local Area Pickup/Dropoff N/A

Address: Miklosiceva 14, Ljubljana,other, Slovenia

Vehicles: N/A


Years in business: N/A

0 ratings
Minimum Age N/A
Rents for cash N/A
Airport Service N/A
Local Area Pickup/Dropoff N/A

Address: Eurostars Uhotel Miklosiceva Cesta 3, Ljubljana,other, Slovenia

Vehicles: N/A


Years in business: N/A

0 ratings
Minimum Age N/A
Rents for cash N/A
Airport Service N/A
Local Area Pickup/Dropoff N/A

Address: Miklosiceva Cesta 15, Ljubljana,other, Slovenia

Vehicles: N/A


Years in business: N/A

0 ratings
Minimum Age N/A
Rents for cash N/A
Airport Service N/A
Local Area Pickup/Dropoff N/A

Address: Miklosiceva Cesta 3 Eurostars Uhotel, Ljubljana,other, Slovenia

Vehicles: N/A


Years in business: N/A

0 ratings
Minimum Age N/A
Rents for cash N/A
Airport Service N/A
Local Area Pickup/Dropoff N/A

Address: Trdinova Ulica 9, Ljubljana, Ljubljana,other, Slovenia

Vehicles: N/A


Years in business: N/A

0 ratings
Minimum Age N/A
Rents for cash N/A
Airport Service N/A
Local Area Pickup/Dropoff N/A

Address: Miklosiceva 14, Ljubljana,other, Slovenia

Vehicles: N/A


Years in business: N/A

0 ratings
Minimum Age N/A
Rents for cash N/A
Airport Service N/A
Local Area Pickup/Dropoff N/A

Address: Cvetkova Ulica 1, Ljubljana,other, Slovenia

Vehicles: N/A

Atet Rent A Car

Years in business: N/A

0 ratings
Minimum Age N/A
Rents for cash N/A
Airport Service N/A
Local Area Pickup/Dropoff N/A

Address: Devova Ulica 6,, Ljubljana,other, Slovenia

Vehicles: N/A

Dollar Thrifty

Years in business: N/A

0 ratings
Minimum Age N/A
Rents for cash N/A
Airport Service N/A
Local Area Pickup/Dropoff N/A

Address: In Terminal International Arrivals, Brnik,other, Slovenia

Vehicles: N/A


Years in business: N/A

0 ratings
Minimum Age N/A
Rents for cash N/A
Airport Service N/A
Local Area Pickup/Dropoff N/A

Address: Zornji Brnik 130a, 4210, Brnik, Slovenia, Ljubljana,other, Slovenia

Vehicles: N/A


Years in business: N/A

0 ratings
Minimum Age N/A
Rents for cash N/A
Airport Service N/A
Local Area Pickup/Dropoff N/A

Address: Apt Term Zgornji Brnik 130a, Ljubljana,other, Slovenia

Vehicles: N/A

Car Rentals in Ljubljana

Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia, as well as the largest city in the country. The town is easily accessible to tourists by car, rail, bus, or plane. The city has an airport, the Aerodrom Ljubljana Airport. A rental car is also an easy and quick way to visitors to get around the city. Zagreb is the nearest city, at 140 kilometers west of the city. Weather in Ljubljana offers a fairly warm summer, and cold winters. August is the hottest month in the area, when temperatures average 85 degrees, though it is not uncommon for temperatures to surpass the 90 degree mark. January is the coldest month of the year, where temperatures can get a cold as 0 degrees. Almost 55 inches of rain occur in the city every year, making it one of the wettest European cities.

What To Do In Ljubljana

One of the most popular attractions in Ljubljana is visiting the Ljubljana Castle. Sitting atop of Castle Hill, visitors can see the entire city in all its glory at the Castle. The inside of the castle has underwent several renovations, displaying through the various structures inside. It is the largest castle in the area, and dates back to 1200 BC.

Tivoli Park and Mansion is another fantastic trip to make while in Ljubljana. Among the many activities to do at the park, the beautiful pond and flower garden are among the best. This is the perfect place to go for a bit of relaxation. The museum offers a different type of collection, and you never know what things might be found inside.

The Roman Walls are a must-see on your trip. Dating back to 15 AD Roman era, the walls are of great architecture. It is great for rock climbing or just viewing. Be sure to have a camera ready to snap some photos.

Cooperative Bank Building is also something you are sure to want to visit. The building was built in 1922. The building is very colorful, with shades of pink and blue standing out. There are plenty of decorations placed in the building, which still operates today.