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Great experience! Good employees and a wonderful van driver!!! Best car rental in San Juan , Puerto Rico!
Everything was great - from reservation, pick up and drop off, staff was courteous. The vehicle provided was also great.
The rates are great. However I find the Express Toll Package standard daily rate to be very expensive for those that would only need to use it twice in one day. The Toll should be charged as used. There are other Car Rentals that charge the use only. I would need to analysis my next rental, if it is cost affected if I were to need to use the Toll Package.
Thats for the good service. VIVA PUERTO RICO
Its was good but for the next i hope will be better..
First time and it was excelent. The only thing test i was inform that i has to return the car Clean because if not i had to Pay 20.00 for the cleaning. But before i returned i left it Clean and shine. But for the rest excelent service thank u .
It was great
I had to wait 2 hours before my car wad available and the wait at the counter was 30 min
I like the convenience of pickups and drop off in my home in isla verde and the courtesy of the agents. I like the fees they are very low. I waited half hour for a car because there was not a car available due to the high demand. It is a