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car smells smoke from cigarettes and needs a better interior cleaning.
Mal trato.engano.en las ofertas y fraude el los depositos y carros .chocados
Everything was pretty bad.
Isla Verde location was closed had to call for ride to airport location .When returning car to Isla Verde location was ask to pay drop off charge.
A had to rent from another company because they did not hold a vehicle for me. A reservation made a month ahead of time and no car held, you will only receive poor ratings from me, and my family and friends will know about this.
The damage check out when I received the car were not accurate.
Just like I received this survey, I should receive email regarding any changes in policies. I've rented with Allied for a long time. Didn't like that changes were made recently. I received one quote on line, but when I get there I end up paying an additional $100. All because of policy changes. Not acceptable!
No renta mas por mal trato descortesia.y me cobraron mas .de lo e s tipulado.experiencia desagradable.doble deposito.fue un recomiendo y menos vuelvo a rentar con allied.
Staff was very nice as Alfredo and Paul; well like customer servers should be. The only wrong was we left a phone at the shutter, driver Luis, but even if we call many time to collected, never get a solution of it.
I quote a midsize car. But the agency gave me a compact size. Disapointed.