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The employee was very passion and calmed with me...... And that was a plus for me. I am ☺ for now!!!!!!!
The price quote indicated online was not the price that I was charged. I am also being charged for damage to the car that I did not do. I have been trying to contact someone in the claims department for weeks and nobody is helping. I am very unsatisfied with my experience.
hated the horrible service experience
Mi experiencia siendo cliente en varias ocasiones en esta ocasión no fue buena ya que el auto que me rentaron no reunió mis expectativas dentro de las mismas no incluía la goma de respuesta prescindible para viajes en la isla, así también no me ofrecieron otra alternativa, tuve que cancelar contrato y aún así me cobraron el día de renta sin haber salido del local. Gracias y Felicidades
Jose at car rental office was great. He picked me up and helped to get around.
There was a mix up with the pick up. The shuttle went to another location. Other than that everything was good.
Very good and service fast
good car rental by allied car
Improvements suggestion: cars need to be cleaned.
Overall experience & car price: excellent