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Originally when i arrived there they attempted to charge me almost double for the car I rented. With insurance and taxes and easy pass. After complaining I was able to get the amount i had been quoted plus $20 more. I never understand why it can't just be the amount I paid online.
When you are givien a quote it should be honored with no hidden charges.
The customer service is the worst.
DAily raet was close to quoted one (not exactly the same, off by less than a dollar). A fee/charge appeared which was not previously quoted and increased the total from $341 to $381. Counter agent was unable to explain precisely what the fee was for.
I felt the staff could of been more welcoming... was satisfied with car...
I made a reservation over the internet with total charges and then they add other charges than tax: concession fee (10%) and they charge to everyone $5.00 of tolls even if you dont use it.
Although it was not too much of a difference.. when quoted a price, I expect the price to be exactly the same as when I reserve the car.
Never again
when I got there after calling to get picked up, i was waiting an eternity, it was only one person on the counter, he kept taking care of other people, then when it was my turn he charged me all types of insurance, my total for my rental went from 89 to 281, plus 600 deposit.. what!!! i walked away, I did not feel the customer service was polite either so I did not want to deal with it.. rented somewhere else and it was 145 plus 250 deposit.
No muss. No fuss. I like that.