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Everything was great as usual.
I had a 24 hour rental from 9am to 9am and got back to the city just as the garage was closing at 11:30, I decided to just park on the street and return when Aamcar opened at 8:30. Long story short, the next morning it completely slipped my mind that I even had a car in my possession. As soon as I realized my huge mistake, I ran down the 14 flights of my apt building and the 4 blocks to the car. They were surprisingly kind about my mistake when I returned the car 40 mins late. Thank you!
Excellent rental agency.
Great place and we always rent from them!
Love the service and rates!
My ONLY complaint is that when I picked the car up on Tuesday at 3:00pm I was told that it would have to be returned by Wednesday at 3:00pm but there is a one hour grace period making the return time 4:00pm. I returned the car at 4:07 because I there was a line at the gas station & I was charged for delivering late. Anyway, not a huge deal & I will DEFINITELY use your services again. THANKS!!
I like dealing with a smaller business who cares about their customers - as opposed to a national corporate rental place. Better service and more friendly.
Max AC function didn't work - Normal AC was functional and adequate