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- Increase information and confidence
We got a free upgrade to a bigger car, didn't have to wait at all, and booked easily online. Great!
Love you guys. Wish you would get a better website and ability to create user profiles so I don't have to reenter all my info every time I rent! Thanks!
I had to wait almost 40 minutes for the cargo van to arrive from 96 St. The gentleman at 181st gave me a 10% discount to make up for it, but I still almost missed a deadline.
particular car was a bit soiled.....but, the rental was fine.
Thanks! Everything was easy and straight forward.
As always, staff is very helpful, courteous and efficient.
Very much enjoyed the experience. A humble, nondescript retail shop, but surprisingly efficient and friendly service.
Always happy with my experience at Aamcar
Very satisfied with the service at AMMCAR
Aamcar always comes through for me.