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Good value for my money. The member of staff could have been a bit more helpful. I felt the though I was rushed around.
The deposit hold was greater than the amount quoted and promised car was not available but it worked out. Thanks
The Kingston crew is awesome. Always they’re waiting on you and always available whenever you call them.
William was very accommodating. I appreciate him being available to help me through any issues or concerns that I may have had. Highly recommend 10/10. The best rental company that I’ve worked with in Jamaica. Can’t wait to use your services again.
It was a great experience with apex car rental.
Smooth process and a great vehicle. No problems from the Montego Bay Airport.
Great customer service and very reliable
The staff made me feel like family. I wouldvdefinitely use and recommend them
Fast and hassle-free processing
The initial vehicle was not up to my standard but was changed two days later