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- Increase information and confidence
Renting here was quick and easy, no nonsense. So we could get on with our vacation! My only slight complaint is this: It's nice that the EZPass sticker is included at no extra charge, but it should have been clearer that the EZPass will not be activated unless you pay an extra $10.
Exelent service
The Charlie Car map is great for driving in the country but you guys have to have big city maps with labeled streets. Driving in the cities is so much more difficult than driving in the mountains.
Very satisfied.
Charlie and Ace are always our go to car rental spot in PR.
Very good.
Good valué
La atención fue rápida y el joven fue cortés y atento a cada detalle. Empleado mostró conocimiento y destreza en sus labores. Buen servicio. Usaré un auto de Charlie's cada vez lo necesite y desde ya lo he recomendado.
El cargo por uso del peaje es excesivo ($10) y he entendido su cargo fuera de añadir ganancia sobre el servicio ofrecido.
Loved the car and service. Appreciated the ride into OSJ from Condado after rental even though Sanse was beginning