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Location of parking lot was a mile away and an easy UBER ride, we did not wait for the FREE shuttle
Great service! Great van!
Went above and beyond for us in getting the right vehicle. Dropped off and picked up twice to help us out. 5 stars
Everything worked as planned.
Fantastic experience
Excellent service!!
One of the vans, had a higher fuel consumption than the other. I was driving the one that was higher on fuel consumption, and noticed the engine stuttered sometimes. Maybe this is related with this issue. Otherwise, everything was great! Thanks for the great service!
The exhaust on our rental had a hole in it and I emailed twice and texted but never heard back. the minivan was quite old and very noisy.
Love how simple it is to pick up and drop off. Thank you.
Easy process for pick up and drop off. Much better than any of the major rental agencies I have used in the past.