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Fantastic service.
I accidentally left my cell phone in one of the vans we rented and they graciously brought it to me at my departure terminal at the airport.
Our sports team rented (3) 12 passenger vans from Maxx and the experience was top knot he. We will be using them again next year when we travel to Toronto again.
staff very pleasant
the service was great
It definitely worth the money for the value. Will rent again.
Do not give a your credit card information!
They are trying to stealing!
This was a rental that needed to be turned around quickly and we had to add an additional driver after hours on the weekend, and the people at Maxx made everything very, very easy! I would highly recommend them.
Easy, quick and reasonably priced.
Vechicle was clean only on the outside. There were several empty bottles (staff removed right away), but there was an eaten apple which was not removed. The car was not thoroughly clean from the inside.