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Had to wait a bit longer than usual at the rental counter. Great company, will rent with them again.
Great experience
i had a van rental at wilshire location from web site 2days before. agent call me say that go to diiffernt location to pick up a van.i said no'your location is my walking distance.they told me don't worry your car will be ready by your pick up time. i show up 1hr30 mins after phone call. car wasn't there. tell me to go to other location with staff.when i arrive car didn't had tire valve cap.ask them to change the car or put valvecap from other car..mgr said no.i said i cant take it.he said dont
Great price, considering there is Turo available as well. Thanks
Excellent service, low rent payment and the car was amazing!
I enjoyed the entire process thoroughly. Was very happy with the pricing as well!
Great staff - Dave, Alan & Jonathan
Amazing and cheap
Good value for the money
Oops...In rush to catch plane I forgot to fill gas tank. Charged 3/4 tank at $7.95 a gallon...Ouch. Lesson learned !