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Staff were lovely and it was an easy transition getting the car and dropping it off. The issue was that the car was faulty and if we were not regular car users we would have been stuck. Car overheating and we had to keep on buying multiple packs of water for the coolant and radiator. The boot lock was faulty and at times wouldn’t close. We had to get a screw driver to push the lock down so the lock would catch! Lastly we were fined £1,500 Jamaican dollars because the car was not fit for purp
Experience was satisfoctory.
The vehicle was nir qhat u was expected abd promised.i was very dissapointed with the rental
Big up auntie got a sweet mango before I got my car loved it
The staff were nice and accommodating. The car was beat up and had a smell but got us around and drove fine. I would use their service again but would probably upgrade to a better vehicle.
It was hard looking for them at the airport they didn’t have my reservation took them time to find it.
I had credit card insurance for the car that I use all over the world. When I went to pick up the rental she told me they don’t do that in Jamaica through the credit card even though I showed her a copy of the rental agreement through the credit card when I return the call, she was telling me they were damages on the car so I had to show the video with the damages which previously done I will never rent from these people again they try to nickel and dime you.
The car was ok but the radio didn’t work at all for the 4 days I had the car.
Staff was very professional
The most incompetent and unfriendly staff i have come across.