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- Increase information and confidence
Ended up being more expensive than I originally thought. The car was a bit cramped, but we made it work. Good service and friendly people.
My only complaint was that the car had no washer fluid upon recipet but aside from that, it was a good experience.
Listen! this was my 1st time renting a car online! This will be my way forward also! I spoke with Jordan day before traveling to Jamaica and he was Extremely helpful with my concerns fast forward to getting the car! Very thorough explanation of the needed to knows etc, the process of doing the paperwork etc is literally 1 2 3! I was in a hurry but totally satisfied. The miles were UNLIMITED! CAR WAS CLEAN! PROCESSING WAS SIMPLE AND QUICK! NO PREPAYMENT WAS REQUIRED! I COULD NOT
Worked out wonderfully, very friendly staff.
Worked out wonderfully, very friendly staff.
Everything went better than expected, your representative was very professional, knowledgeable, and courteous.
Ps, there is a credit pending for me see you soon.
wasn't too bad after all. Didn't know about the coverage needed.
Website itself is not showing insurance and all.. it looks like a scam. Promotion for $17/ day and when u call for confirmation they forcing to buy 3 Rs party insurance . My credit card company gives me insurance on rental cars . This is a scam