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Staff was great.
Overall fine, best to be more upfront about liability coverage from beginning
I had my doubts about renting from an off site agency. However, they picked me up in the car I was to take and quickly had me on the road. My rate didn't change from the time of my online reservation and there was no pressure to accept the add-ons. I would definitely rent from United Auto Rental on my next visit to San Diego. One of the reasons I chose them was because their's was the first website that let me move all the way through the process without problems. Very easy to navigate.
We had a great experience!
The process went very smoothly. It is not located in the airport’s new building but only a few blocks away. They were very willing to puck up/drop off if you needed from the airport. Prices are REALLY good.
I was very pleased with the service and the car.
The folks I dealt with were very personable. I'm happy to be supporting a small business, rather than one of the large corporations that dominate the industry.
Great Experience
Awesome price and great staff. Will definitely use them again when needed!