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Staff is great!
The best rental car experience I've had. Everyone is so nice and not pushy
The best rental car experience I've had. Everyone is so nice and not pushy
Great service
Unfortunately the car did not run good.
Very good customer service, but wasn't expecting to get a car with two detached bumpers and 94,000 miles on it.
Car received dirty and contained some trash inside the car. More information on initiate down payment was not part of the initial costs
Thank you! You all were courteous, efficient, and the car was adequate to our needs.
That you are a small office made me a bit nervous at first but on the other hand, we did not have to wait in lines and you proved to be trustworthy and professional.
This was my first time flying into San Diego. Another passenger on my plane rented from an agency that was not in communication with them and they seemed very frustrated. Everytime I called or text United someone answered and explained everything perfectly. We knew what to expect and were not disappointed in any way! Thank You United Rental Car!!
Staff were so nice, and I appreciate that they were not pushy.