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good service
Prompt, courteous, affordable!
Tom and Jacob were great. We had an excellent experience.
Staff was very professional & courteous. Curbside pick up & drop off is awesome!
No line, helpfull people, got a ride to the airport - would recommend !
When I tried to pay the tolls online, they needed to know dates, times, and roads, I did not know I needed that info.
I called many different people and got lots of different answers: They should have offered me a toll pass; I can add it when I bring the car back; I need to go there and add it before I take the car back; They don't offer that service at that location. Assuming that location doesn't offer it, then as a customer service they should inform you to track date, time & road.
Helpful,friendly staff.
The van was not ready for us right away which did not start things off well. We did get one to use 12 seat one for a few hours. It did cut into so time driving back and fourth to get the new one 3 hours later. Other than that, it was very good! Jacob and his driver were very pleasant to be around!