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Good value and service. Highly recommend.
Good value and service. Highly recommend.
Good value and service. Highly recommend.
Good value and service. Highly recommend.
Good value and service. Highly recommend.
I scheduled the wrong day for my pick up. They said they had no cars available. As we were getting ready to leave they came out and said they had one that was dropped off. After some frustration, they saved our trip!
We were totally happy with the experience. Just be warned that, if you don’t fly into Orange County Airport the same day, there is a mileage limit. No problem for us this time but it could have been.
Great company. Definitely will use again
The car had over 116,000 miles, the side back doors would not open from the inside, despite checking the child safety locks. The trunk was completely dangerous and would come smashing down on your head or hands. The front USB port would not work.
Staff was super friendly