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Very good rental office
Very good rentak office
May be the best rental experience I have ever had. My rate quote was still honored, but in the printout they gave me upon pick-up, they had me coming back at 1:30 while my reservation I submitted said I’d be back at 6. This was no big deal for them, and once adjusted, my rate was exactly what I’d been quoted online.
We were picked up and dropped off promptly, and there were no additional/hidden fees even when we picked up the car early. Would definitely rent again.
The car was great minus all the stains inside. Looked like there was a cigarette burn and coffee stains all over the headliner. Gross
Only way it's better value is if they gave me an upgrade
Excellent service and value
I need to explain my low rating. This is the kind of place you rent from if you do not have a credit card. You will need to have alot of cash accessible to rent from them. No credit card $500 deposit. If your local you do not get unlimited miles (, you will have additional charge by mile which can add up). Honestly after seeing the cost going up I just left and extended my rental with Avis. If you do not have a credit card and you have the cash, this is the place. Go to credit karma
The car had many dents and scratches all over it. It looked like a piece of junk. I was embarrassed to drive it. The staff was awesome however.
This rental company had great low rates compared to most other companies. I will most likely rent again.