When you’re in an unfamiliar area, it can be tricky enough to drive on the opposite side of the street and convert kilometers to MPH. Factor in odd laws and it’s enough to make any person want to stay home.
Travel News
When you’re in an unfamiliar area, it can be tricky enough to drive on the opposite side of the street and convert kilometers to MPH. Factor in odd laws and it’s enough to make any person want to stay home.
Car rental companies know that crashes are bound to happen. The cars most likely to crash? It’s not the cheap car rentals - it’s the too-fast-to-handle sports cars that have some auto-loving renters chomping at the bit.
Whether you’re a romantic or a cynic (or a little of both), Valentine’s Day just passed and you can’t escape the lovey dovey sentiment. This year, I hope you were creative, adventurous, and in love, and on the hunt for a date...
When it comes to the car rental market, one change seems to create several changes thereafter and all of the moving parts are affected by each other.
Home for the holidays last year? You’re probably planning a great escape in 2014.
Half sport car, half boat? That sounds like something out of a comic book, not a real life vehicle. It is real though, and this new amphibious car is the very definition of uniqueness and adaptability.
For those of us who weren't fortunate enough to score a car rental deal, make our way to the airport and hop on a plane bound for Sochi, we watched the Olympics from the comfort of our own homes. Even if you paid close attention, you're bound to have missed some highlights along the way. Here's a quick recap so you're prepared for water cooler conversation at the office.
It’s been a few weeks since I got back from the holy land - and wow, what a trip! So much to see, do and absorb. Every inch of the State of Israel permeates an aura of history and its inhabitants’, past and present, passion for the land.
The typhoon that just hit the Philippines is being called “the perfect storm” due to its size, symmetry and tightness of the eye. Typhoon Hayian hit land in the Samar and Leyte provinces, ready to do extensive damage. The sustained winds blew at 160 miles per hour and the storm surge was 16 feet. The surge is what caused most of the damage (although the winds certainly didn’t help), first sweeping away Tacloban, a port city.
It's hard to believe that December is quickly approaching. I've never been a huge fan of the winter months but I have to admit, this year I am counting down the days until mid-December. My family and I are traveling to Israel to meet my husband's side of the family. To say we are all excited is an understatement. Words can do no justice to describe the tingly and fuzzy feeling I have inside when I envision getting off of the plane at Ben G
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