Can you think of a better deal than being awarded a 14 day all expenses paid adventure of a lifetime? Well, I can't and I want to personally congratulate Phil Diehl. As far as car rental deals go this takes the cake - the rental is free! OK, I guess technically you can't refer to winning a contest as a deal but nevertheless it is a pretty sweet setup.
Phil is our proud winner.. He and the lucky person of his choice will be traveling from LA to New York City and enjoying the following perks: 14-day premium car rental for 2, 14-nights hotel accommodation, 14-day food and gas allowance. In addition to this he has the chance to win up to $2000 cash by checking in with CRX associated agencies.
Phil is a pretty funny guy so I have no doubt his photos, videos and blogs will keep you laughing and at the edge of your seat. Make sure to follow him on Facebook and add your comments.