The Open Road
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The Open Road

It may feel as if we were just celebrating summer’s start, but now September is on the horizon and fall is right around the corner. Whether you were too busy to enjoy a summer getaway or you just can’t bear the thought of slowing down your travels, now is the perfect time to book a little September vacation. 

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Ready for a Rocky Mountain Adventure? For many years, Denver has been a hotspot for outdoor enthusiasts—and rest assured, you’ll never be bored there if you enjoy being outside and being active. But the truth is, the Denver area has something for everyone, and it’s an amazing place to visit. 

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Summer is flying by, and we’ll all be wearing sweaters and boots before we know it (except for those lucky few who live in perpetually sunny states). The end of summer is the perfect time to take a road trip that explores many of our country’s finest national parks. Warmer weather means you won’t have to worry about seasonal closures or snow.

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It seems impossible, but Labor Day weekend is fast approaching. And even though we’ve still got some summer left afterwards, that three day weekend tends to usher in the mental transition into autumn. Cling to these fleeting moments of sunny days and warm nights by taking a late summer vacation to an amazing destination.

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When was the last time you took a trip with your better half? Whether you’ve got an anniversary on the horizon, you need to rekindle the spark or you’d like to take a new love somewhere special, traveling somewhere new is a wonderful way to reconnect and spend time together. There’s something about exploring new horizons that can really bring a couple closer.

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Three Perfect American Summer Road Trips

We’re officially in the heart of road trip season. If you’ve ever dreamed of driving a car (or a van, truck… you name it) on a cross-country adventure, July, August and early September are the perfect times to make it happen. All you need is the right hybrid car rental and a map.

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