Ratings FAQs

How do you rate Car Rental Express member car rental agencies?

Every Renter Rating is a chance to win an Apple iPad mini (16 GB, wifi, black or white, no substitutions) in our monthly Rate & Win contest. There are 3 possible ways to rate agencies on Car Rental Express:

  1. If you have recently rented a vehicle through Car Rental Express, you will receive an email the day after your rental term is finished. This email will invite you to rate your rental experience with our member agency.
  2. Visitors to Car Rental Express can rate a member agency by visiting https://www.carrentalexpress.com/ratings
  3. Member agencies may invite customers to complete the Car Rental Express Renter Rated™ survey, even if the renter has not booked through www.CarRentalExpress.com.

Where and how are the Car Rental Express Renter Rated™ Results displayed?

The Car Rental Express Renter Rated™ survey results are displayed in a variety of locations on the Car Rental Express website. Each company receives an overall rating, which is an average score from the 10 rating questions. The overall rating is displayed prominently wherever that agency is specifically mentioned and details may be seen in a pop-up and on the agency's profile page.

The questions allow you to rank value and service in these categories, creating a five star rating for each category and an overall rating:

  • Promptness
  • Rate-Quote Honored
  • Staff Knowledge
  • Courteousness
  • Vehicle Availability
  • Overall Satisfaction
  • Fairness of Policies
  • Good Value
  • Would Rent Again
  • Recommend to Others

You can also provide additional comments, which will be displayed anonymously online, and are provided anonymously to the relevant agency, along with the the ratings data.

The Renter Rated™ survey results are viewed as a series of stars, with "Excellent" having a rating of 5 stars, dropping to only 1 star for "Poor". The category results are averaged in a numerical score, which results in the overall rating. Rankings are

5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Satisfactory Below Expectations Poor

How will your survey responses be used?

All survey responses will be used to generate an overall Renter Rated™ result for the agency you are rating. The average Renter Rating and number of reviews are displayed at most locations where an agency appears on Car Rental Express reservation website. Averaged itemized scores are visible to online viewers. Your opinion counts at Car Rental Express.

In addition, the survey responses are released to the specific agency that was rated, to ensure they receive customer feedback. The agency is encouraged to read the survey responses so that they can understand how to better serve their customers. The rental agency is not provided with a name or any contact information of the survey taker. You have our guarantee that your privacy will be maintained.

What is the Car Rental Express privacy policy?

At Car Rental Express, it is understood that your personal information is simply that: personal. Car Rental Express ensures that your personal information is not distributed for any reason. The only information that is publicized is your ANONYMOUS survey answers/results. Your agency ratings are combined with other ratings of the same agency to create the agency's overall Car Rental Express Renter Rated™ result.

We emphasize: Your personal information is never shared.

How often can an agency be rated?

An invitation to rate an agency is sent to all renters every time they reserve through Car Rental Express.

Winner's Page


What is the Rate & Win Contest?

The Rate & Win Contest is a draw that is held each month by Car Rental Express.com. After completing their rental, renters are invited to fill out and submit an online survey regarding their car rental experience. The reason for this contest is to give renters an online venue in which to express their rental experience with other potential renters. We have made this a contest in which a prize is awarded in order to encourage dialogue among our site visitors.

What happens after I submit my rating and how is the winner chosen?

Once a renter has filled out his/her online survey, it is then entered into the system and a winner is chosen electronically at the beginning of the following month from when the entry was submitted. The winner is notified immediately by email and/or phone and they are given one week to submit all necessary information (which is outlined in the email sent to them).

What does the winner win and how do they get their prize?

The winner is awarded a $100 Amazon gift card. Prize must be accepted as awarded.

Where can I see the most recent ratings of agencies?

Check out the Renter Rated comments for many agencies here

How Long Does it Take?

Only a minute!

Check of ratings from 1 to 5 for 10 categories, like "Service" and "Value". Write a short comment. That's it!